We know that consuming in season is responsible consumption! It is in season that food provides us with the most good nutrients. So to fill up with vitality and stimulate our bodies this fall, we rely on fresh and, if possible, organic products.
Parsnip is a root vegetable of the carrot family that has a pleasant sweet taste. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the parsnip is unfortunately too often forgotten in the kitchen. It contains, among other things, magnesium, which helps the body to fight against minor bouts of fatigue, and vitamin B6, which allows better assimilation of magnesium.
Beans :
Delicious when fresh and steamed, beans are an excellent source of dietary fibre. These soluble and insoluble fibres ensure a better intestinal transit, bring a feeling of satiety more quickly and contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Also a good source of vitamin C, but to benefit from it, avoid boiling or grilling them and prefer steaming them.
Chard :
Also called “chard”, it is very similar to beetroot. In fact, it would be a beet having developed its leaves. Known as a poor man’s vegetable, chard has lost its popularity and is struggling to regain it. However, it is said to be effective against type 2 diabetes and is very rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, which fight free radicals.
Grapes :
Known to be a great ally for cardiovascular health, grapes, especially red grapes, are an excellent source of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It contains flavonoids, such as quercetin or catechins or resveratrol, which are particularly indicated in cases of cholesterol, high blood pressure and in the prevention of certain cancers. To consume without moderation this autumn, ideally outside of meals.
The pear :
The pear also has a very interesting fiber content, mainly contained in the skin. The peel also contains a lot of antioxidants (flavonoids and phenolic acids) which would have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health and certain cancers. They are also found in the flesh but in smaller quantities.